Valuing Connection, Practicing Kindness

Do you have friendships where you know yourself more deeply when you finish a conversation with them? I am blessed to have a few women in my life who ‘see me’ and through their witness, I understand myself more clearly. Recently I had the opportunity to have a long walk and brunch with a dear … Continue reading “Valuing Connection, Practicing Kindness”

InPowering Sacred Ritual

Recently I had an opportunity to spend a few days in Boston and the coast nearby with all seven of us women in my family 21 and older. This rite of passage started when my daughter turned 21 and asked to spend the weekend celebrating with her mom and aunties. This year my second niece … Continue reading “InPowering Sacred Ritual”

Waves of Creativity

Are you feeling a wave of creativity emerging in your mind-body-heart encouraging you to manifest your ideas? During January 2023, we are supported by a unique flow of energy as we shift our focus from the nonphysical realms of planning, incubating, and imagining into physical expression of our dreams in the world.  How is this … Continue reading “Waves of Creativity”

Building Community: Co-Creating in the New Era

Today more than ever I am finding it necessary to intentionally be in community with positive mindful people. I cannot go through this radical shift into this emerging new era in isolation. Following my heart song, myself and two amazing colleagues of mine, Nina Roberts Salveson and Theresa Nutt, have committed to offering a six-month … Continue reading “Building Community: Co-Creating in the New Era”

Who Am I Really?

Last month I attended the graduation of our health coaching students as faculty dressed in full regalia at Northrop auditorium on campus at University of Minnesota where I teach. From my seat on the stage, I was inspired by the music, rituals, traditions, and speeches by accomplished professionals and graduating students. This is one of … Continue reading “Who Am I Really?”

Cultivating Peace in Uncertain Times

3 Unbelievable Tips about Cultivating Peace With divisiveness and unrest streaming into our minds and hearts from our around our country and world, how do we maintain a sense of peace in our Center Within? How to Start Cultivating Peace? For me, I start with being in the condition of inner peace. In my body, … Continue reading “Cultivating Peace in Uncertain Times”

Self-Love Creates Outer Love

Your True Guide to Create Outer Love by Cultivating Self-Love Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. Can you feel the uncertainty and fear and permeating the United States and beyond? There is more transparency exposing our sense of lack, scarcity, blame, divisiveness, exclusivity, entitlement, and discrimination. During this month where many … Continue reading “Self-Love Creates Outer Love”

Cultivating Miracles With Your Intentions

Your Roadmap to Creating a Life You Want with Intentions You Choose How do we create a life we love? We really can have it all! We continuously engage in making micro choices that impact our lives. We set intentions, often multiple intentions, every day. Our thoughts, feelings, energy and behaviors support them or interfere … Continue reading “Cultivating Miracles With Your Intentions”

What is your story?

When you think about yourself, who do you know yourself to be? There are specific characteristics you may identify with such as being a man or woman, American or Mexican, daughter or father. You may classify yourself by what you do such as a painter, entrepreneur, volunteer or inventor. I am a woman, teacher, and … Continue reading “What is your story?”

How to Maintain Our Powerful Sense of Inner Joy

Create Joy Through the Practice of Inner Awareness Joy is an inside job and can be maintained through the practice of inner awareness, presence, and positivity.  The holidays are a wonderful time to practice! My sister recently sent me a quote from Shawn Achor, a positive psychologist: “The external world can only predict 10% of … Continue reading “How to Maintain Our Powerful Sense of Inner Joy”