As the calendar flips for most of us to 2025, I find myself as well as clients and students reflecting a bit deeper on living in alignment with our Center Within. Living intentionally requires us to make a bit of time and space to discern what is working well and not so well. Last month … Continue reading “Discernment: YOUR Expanding YES and Contracting NO”
How are you doing? Feeling? Coping? In my coaching sessions, many of my clients are relaying their emerging breakthrough insights and experiences as barriers breakdown in their inner and outer lives. It’s messy, confusing, uncomfortable, and exhausting. Simultaneously, it is enlivening, uplifting, hopeful, and liberating. The intensity of the tension is real. I have been … Continue reading “It’s Intense: Breaking Down and Breaking Through”
How many transitions are you noticing in your inner and outer world? There has been an onslaught of them in mine recently. In my friends’ circle, there were 9 deaths in 3 weeks in October. My inner experience has been intense. Feeling grief and sadness alongside relief for the peace they are in and grateful … Continue reading “Transitions Abound”
Humanity is living in a New Era that is propelling each of us to our next level of serving, loving, and living individually and collectively. Old paradigms and systems are disintegrating, and new optimal possibilities are emerging. We have all noticed it is a messy process! How are you navigating these shifts and accelerating your … Continue reading “Living in the New Era: Upleveling Your Loving, Serving, and Leading”
I had an epiphany about my capacity to ‘be with what is’ recently. As you may recall from my October blog, Letting Go, Again, I am practicing surrender and equanimity. My narrative has been that to ‘succeed’ in living this way… I needed to NOT have big emotions, NOT have strong preferences, and NOT react. … Continue reading “Profound Self-Acceptance – Welcome to 2024!”
How often throughout the day do you notice what your body is telling you? Following my total knee replacement in October, I noticed an increase in my awareness of my body’s wisdom. Am I tired? Hungry? In Pain? Need company or alone time? Need more water, spinach, or chocolate? Need to rest or move? My … Continue reading “What is Your Body Telling YOU?”
With our upcoming celebration of Thanksgiving in this country, I have been reflecting on the flock of turkeys passing through my neighborhood since spring. My experience is both literal and symbolic. I first saw 8 tiny chicks and one adult nibbling their way through the backyard. It reminded me turkeys symbolize abundance, connection with Mother … Continue reading “The Magic of Symbols”
For years (and years and years) I have been practicing letting go of attachment. Another round of “surrendering to what is” has arisen in my life. After a string of unfortunate events, my car was totaled by my insurance company. The final demise was a hailstorm while my car was parked outside at the autobody … Continue reading “Letting Go, Again…”
The September air has new smells as the crisp days of autumn begin to roll into Minnesota where I live. The leaves are turning, school is resuming, and harvesting gardens and fields are in full swing. I am experiencing the circular shift of time and seasons deep in my body. I can feel in my … Continue reading “Rhythm of Change”
Welcome to July! Here in the northern hemisphere, we are enjoying long days of light. There is a rather pushy energy running through me these days. It feels like waves of light, inspiration, and overwhelm combined. Surges of brilliance are coming through as I am collaborating with colleagues to create fall online gatherings and courses, … Continue reading “Two Steps Forward, One Step Back”
Recently I had an opportunity to spend a few days in Boston and the coast nearby with all seven of us women in my family 21 and older. This rite of passage started when my daughter turned 21 and asked to spend the weekend celebrating with her mom and aunties. This year my second niece … Continue reading “InPowering Sacred Ritual”
In late April I had the opportunity to attend a conference in San Diego titled “Portals to Ascension.” Here is part of the description: We are emerging into a time of great awakening! The planetary shifts are creating an opportunity for us to awaken to live our optimal full purpose in this lifetime. As energy … Continue reading “Are You A Frequency Keeper?”
When was the last time you were invited (OK maybe thrust!) out of your comfort zone? This theme has come up multiple times in my coaching sessions and with friends this past month. One common characteristic for each person; there is certainty it is a YES to move forward and step into the excitement, trepidation, … Continue reading “Stretching Your Comfort Zone”
Are you interested in sharing, studying, and exploring nonlocal experiences? As a lifetime human development student, I am amazed at the ever-growing body of research on the nonphysical qualities of being human. Yes, as a nationally board-certified health and wellness coach and pharmacist, I am in awe of the intricate workings of the body-mind aspects … Continue reading “Embodying Our Individual, Interconnected & Infinite Self”
This year on the autumn equinox I was in Sedona celebrating my dear cousin’s wedding with family and friends. I am very close to her father and the entire family. I had the blessing of officiating the ceremony. Pure JOY! Amazing connecting continued with my goddaughter who joined us as we stayed another week. There … Continue reading “Synchronicities Abound”
Are you drinking from a fire hose too? It has been a lot lately! How are you navigating this ‘drinking from a fire hose” energy as we go through a divisive Presidential election here in the US, 5 planets in retrograde, a record number of solar flares, and unpredictable change? Many years ago, one of … Continue reading “Staying Regulated During Chaotic Times”
Do you have friendships where you know yourself more deeply when you finish a conversation with them? I am blessed to have a few women in my life who ‘see me’ and through their witness, I understand myself more clearly. Recently I had the opportunity to have a long walk and brunch with a dear … Continue reading “Valuing Connection, Practicing Kindness”
How do you pause and celebrate the big and small wins in your daily life? What intentions, rituals, mindset and behavior choices support you living your best life? This month’s musings are a bit more personal than usual. I have been immersed in ritual, celebration, rites of passage, and wins on many levels. My son … Continue reading “Celebrate Your Wins”
Welcome to June 2024. Here in the northern hemisphere, we are seeing long days of sunshine and the seeds of spring flourishing. Just as the blooming plants and trees are supported by adequate sunshine, water, weeding, and pruning, our human bodies flourish under optimal conditions. Unlike an acorn becoming an oak tree or a dandelion … Continue reading “Embodying Your Divine Blueprint”
The New Era of Higher Consciousness has arrived! Are you feeling it? What are you noticing as the Old Era ideas, beliefs, and paradigms infused with oppression, entitlement, and greed are being exposed yet not going down without a fight? The transition is a messy process. We ARE turning it around. My book Living From … Continue reading “Turning It Around: Celebrating Each Other’s Genius”