Welcome to July! Here in the northern hemisphere, we are enjoying long days of light.

There is a rather pushy energy running through me these days. It feels like waves of light, inspiration, and overwhelm combined. Surges of brilliance are coming through as I am collaborating with colleagues to create fall online gatherings and courses, live offerings, and retreats.

I am SO enjoying this ‘post-COVID shut down’ summer and connecting spontaneously with friends and family more frequently and leisurely. 

At the same time, I have been struggling with frustrating setbacks. My non-titanium knee is inflamed as I attempt to move back into a rigorous biking and walking routine, so I am back into physical therapy. I had a high blood pressure episode that has me on alert, monitoring a few times a day. Thankfully it has stabilized; I am still working with my relaxation techniques to settle my mind-body-heart. 

How are you navigating these days of the summer solstice energy? Smooth sailing or starts and stops in your world as well? 

Despite the flow being a bit turbulent in my experience, I am SO thrilled to have been invited to participate in several online live events recently.

Here are a few that I’ve recently participated in:

  • Theresa Nutt from Your Deeper Calling invited my friend Nina Robert Salveson and I to join her for a conversation on the process of transformation on her Brave Bold TV Show

  • As health and wellness coaches, we seek to support and partner with individuals who are pursuing their optimal wellbeing. With all of the demands of modern life added to the complexities of the health care system or corporate cultures, finding time to ensure our own wellbeing can be difficult.  Experienced panelists will discuss and share ideas for viable approaches to weaving not only self-care, but personal growth and transformation, into our lives.  We can only take clients as far as we’ve gone ourselves, so our own paths to our best selves must continue to unfold.  Come create a plan for your best way forward! Health Coach Summit
  • We have each chosen to be on earth during this time of radical transformation and accelerating access to higher consciousness. Each of us is multidimensional beings shifting into the new era, embodying and integrating waves of higher frequency. Michele  discuses her understanding of this up-leveling process and offer a guided meditation designed to activate and accelerate your natural awakening process Shelia Seppi Cosmic Conversations Interview

As many of you know, I have a standing mantra of living with as much ‘EFG: Ease Flow and Grace’ as possible.

Wishing you the same as well as we navigate these days of light and warmth. 


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