
These in-person and online programs are focused on creating real human connection, awakening your potential, and aligning with your authentic, empowered center within.

Live Gatherings

Sound Healing and Light Languages: Accelerating, Amplifying, and Activating Your Highest Potential

Are You Ready For A Boost In Your Spiritual Awakening For Personal Growth And Expansion? 

Join Us For A Transformative Experience Of Sound Energy Healing And Channeled Light Languages Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Energy Healing Techniques To Activate And Enlighten.

With Michele Rae, Jill Goux, Leslee Wegleitner & Bonnie Polk

This Unique Event Offers A Profound Opportunity To Experience The Power Of Sound Vibrations And The Mystical Languages Of Light To Support Your Next Level Of Spiritual Awakening For Personal Growth And Expansion.

During this immersive event you will be guided by experienced sound healers and light language channelers who will create a Sacred Space filled with energy healing frequencies and divine energies.

Multiple Dates to Choose from!

In-Person: November 12th 10am – 4pm | Bloomington, MN

Click button below to learn more about these offerings and see our introductory video

Higher Octave Living Series

Together we embody higher frequencies and support each other as we usher in the new era.

We are, individually and collectively, experiencing waves of higher frequencies. How are you navigating them? As transformational intuitive coaches, Michele and Nina are seeing in themselves and their clients, new inner revelations, insights, and paradigms emerging. We are experiencing ourselves as multidimensional human beings, called to step into our mastery. Whew, it can be overwhelming and confusing. This process of embodying higher consciousness is also apparent in our societies and the collective as old ways of believing, thinking and behaving that no longer serve are being challenged and reimagined. Transformation can be a messy process.

Are you ready to commit to a deeply engaged community as we align with the higher octave frequencies of the new era we are called to co-create?

Would the support of spiritual and energetic practices be useful?

Michele and Nina are delighted to be facilitating and teaching on this timely topic. Each gathering will include teachings and unique attunements to support your individual innate process of becoming your most authentic empowered self!

Are you ready to join our series September 2023 – January 2024?

If you are reading this, YOU are already IMpowered! Love to have you in at our  monthly Saturday morning gatherings.

Recorded Gatherings

Activating Your Vessel

Co-creating in a new era

You may have noticed that there are significant changes happening in the energetic field. These changes are impacting us in transforming ways- especially with letting go of old and needless stories/beliefs that are not serving us anymore. 

Learn several techniques to help you navigate these new experiences and apply them in your life.

BEING HUMAN: Immersion Series

Entelechy Rising; Turning Inner Potential into Outer Reality​

BEING HUMAN is a four-month immersion journey that promises to upgrade your inner navigation system, open your heart, strengthen alignment with your core values and sacred guiding principles, and expand your vibrational frequency of this current and precious life.

Discover the breakthrough process & well-being tools that bring total mind, body, & spiritual wellness.

Is it time for more vitality in your life?

Enter your name and email below to get access to Michele’s free gift to you, “A Guided Meditation to Your Center Within“.

You’ll also be included on the latest news, updates, and events from The Center Within!