Cultivating Peace in Uncertain Times

3 Unbelievable Tips about Cultivating Peace

With divisiveness and unrest streaming into our minds and hearts from our around our country and world, how do we maintain a sense of peace in our Center Within?

How to Start Cultivating Peace?

Cultivating Peace in Uncertain Times

For me, I start with being in the condition of inner peace. In my body, I feel calm. I have a steady sense of contentment and enoughness that is not tossed around by inner and outer disturbances, events or circumstances. This requires the continuous practice of bringing myself back to the present moment, back to my breath. Sometimes I am successful, others not. My own inner brokenness gets exposed for healing. I keep practicing.

When living in peace, I have a deep knowing and trusting that this moment is OK.  Cultivating peace supports me when fear temporarily arises. I am clear about right action for me and feel empowered to impact what is on my plate. I abide in equanimity and feel poised even in chaos.

What does NOT peace feel like?

In the outer world, I see war, the imposing of superior beliefs and ideas of right and wrong on one another. I see entitlement in communities, relationships, institutions, and organizations. Inside I feel resistance. I cling to passing circumstances or thoughts I want and avoid those that make me uncomfortable. I resist eminent change. I suffer in the space between what is and how I want it to be.

We must have inner peace before we can create outer peace. We are in a time in human history of rapid transformation. How do we embrace this shift with ease, flow, and grace? How do we heal our inner and outer fragmented world?

When we live in inner peace, we have access to the cortex region of our brain associated with executive functioning, perception, and compassion. When we live in drama and trauma, we lose access to our frontal brain we live with our fight and flight turned on. This leads us to react irrationally and destructively and we become aggressive or avoid, protect and withdraw.

How to create an outer peace?

Cultivating Peace in Uncertain Times

Our peace or NOT peace ripples out from our mind-body-heart into the world around us. Mirror neurons in others begin to resonate with our nervous system. Others attune with the energy and vibration we radiate. If we live peace, we can literally change the manifest and unmanifest world simply by remaining in peace and inviting others to attune to our presence.

We will co-create a world of peace by what we give our attention TO because what we focus on grows. Be mindful to not give your attention to what you are against. Do not spend your energy, time, resources in opposing an idea, person or policy. Make small micro choices that align with your intention to BE PEACE throughout your day. Be compassion and love in action.

We have so much assistance to create peace if we ask and receive. On this earth plane, nurture relationships that are mutually beneficial and hold a peace vibration. Ask for assistance from your guides, angels, and those in other dimensions who are here to help. There are high-frequency energetic waves flowing through our planet. Be open to receiving. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Now is the time to embody peace on every level.

You may also like my blog post about Exploring New Paradigms.

Check out my Resources page for more useful information.








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