Are you feeling a wave of creativity emerging in your mind-body-heart encouraging you to manifest your ideas?

During January 2023, we are supported by a unique flow of energy as we shift our focus from the nonphysical realms of planning, incubating, and imagining into physical expression of our dreams in the world. 

How is this showing up in my life this month? 

These opportunities are flowing my way and are in alignment with my heart song to support individuals and organizations choosing timelines that have the most positive outcomes for themselves and the greater collective. We are deep into this messy transformation as human beings while the earth herself uplevels to assist us. We KNOW what systems, structures, and paradigms promote flourishing of all beings; NOW is the time to implement them!

This is a time of deepening for me personally as well. My role as graduate faculty for the past 17 years at the University of Minnesota, Earl E Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing will wrap up soon as the program I have been involved in is transitioning to a new curriculum. This opens more time for guiding others who want to take a deeper dive into co-creating in the new era and accessing higher levels of consciousness. I am excited to see what emerges in the courses, workshops, coaching sessions, and partnerships throughout 2023!

This phase of my life, the over 60 years old period, feels liberating and exhilarating. I am embracing new awareness daily. My body is becoming stronger and more aligned. I say YES with discernment as I welcome with an open heart and mind the waves of creativity flowing in and as and through me. I invite you to do the same!

Is it time for more vitality in your life?

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