Inner Guidance System: Our Superpower

How do you tap into your inner guidance? I am finding it more necessary now than ever. The “external guidance” is confusing, contradictory and I often simply do not trust it. From the media bias to Google controlling the feed of healthcare news, I continually challenge what others impose on me as facts when the […]

Expanding Awareness & Clarifying Intention Podcast

During this time of more online connecting, I have been invited to participate in a number of new summits and podcasts. Below is a link to an interview I recently recorded with Valeria Teles: Expanding Awareness & Clarifying Intention. She contacted me after reading my book, Living From the Center Within, and invited me to […]

Autumn Mind-Body Realigning: What is reconfiguring in your life?

With the arrival of October, I am engaged in another wave of deep reflecting, recalibrating and realigning. During September, I participated in a month-long online meditation group exploring the new energies and new possibilities as this new era is emerging. My mind and heart have opened further. More allowing, more trust, more willingness to be […]

How Are You Preparing?

We are in a state of preparation for another round of new possibilities emerging, can you feel it? For me, I am preparing to teach new classes, have moved into a new office, and participated in several interviews, webinars, and podcasts. Deeper than the external preparation, there is an inner readiness occurring as waves of […]

Imagining Our Future Together

When you imagine an ideal future for yourself, your family, community, this planet, what do you envision? This time of transformation invites freedom from the old paradigms, structures, and patterns. We have an unprecedented opportunity to create a world that supports optimal expression and experience for every human being and all we cohabitate with here […]

Bridging the Divide Towards Unity

I feel a bombardment daily trying to convince me that focusing on our differences and making the “other” who does not think like me, look like me, or believe like me is “bad and wrong.” A constant stream of news and social media encourages divisiveness and polarity. I am not buying it. Since I was a small […]

Candlelight Vigil

My heart is broken open, again. We, here in Minneapolis and around the world, are mourning the murder of George Floyd. This tragic death has ignited pain, anger, destruction and fear. I have taken a deeper dive into conversation and action with my diverse community. Do we NOW in this society, this country, have the […]

Cultivating Inner and Outer Transformation: What is Transforming in YOU?

Recently I offered a webinar on Cultivating Inner and Outer Transformation Amidst Stressful Times. There was a lively conversation about intentionally co-creating during this time of tremendous change and emerging new possibilities. It’s hard. It’s confusing. Let’s learn from previous systems that were not working and find optimal ways of being and doing for all who coexist […]

What are you seeing more clearly?

During this time of confinement and crisis, what are you noticing that you did not pay attention to when you were in your “normal busy” routine? As I talk daily to clients and students, I am inspired by their courage and raw honesty as each person is reflecting deeply on their inner and outer experiences.  […]

Are you feeling the interconnectedness?

What an opportunity! We are amidst a declared pandemic. The flow of information, fear and viruses are streaming through networks of interconnection. Humanity has an unprecedented opportunity to recognize WE are undeniably and unequivocally living and breathing in one unified interdependent {moving towards symbiotic} experience. In part, I wrote my book Living From the Center […]