Recently I offered a webinar on Cultivating Inner and Outer Transformation Amidst Stressful Times. There was a lively conversation about intentionally co-creating during this time of tremendous change and emerging new possibilities. It’s hard. It’s confusing. Let’s learn from previous systems that were not working and find optimal ways of being and doing for all who coexist on our amazing planet earth! I discussed a few ideas from my book, Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming. Here are a few highlights. (For the full presentation, CLICK HERE)

During times of rapid shifts, the decay of the old catapults to the new. Are we ever in a cycle of deconstruction with reconstruction just beginning to be imagined! Can we create a NEW ERA where interconnectedness, abundance, peace, cooperation and sustainability are the norm?
This image in my book was inspired by the theory of Spiral Dynamics fascinating ideas!
Where are we now and where are we going? I see us moving collectively from the I am Individual level of consciousness to the I am Interconnected level. What does that look like?