Living Into Your New Story

April is a time for new beginnings. This month we will begin working on our gardens. A bit of clearing, pruning, fertilizing, planting. It is a good time to do the same with our lives. What part of the story of who you are would benefit from a bit of revision? Cutting a few parts […]

Living with Clarity

Welcome to March! I have been fortunate to bring in March on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii. With the warm breeze and tropical flowers, I can feel spring emerging even back in Minnesota. For me, this is a month to step back, take an inventory of where I am, what I am moving towards, what is […]

Living From Your Heart

With the celebration of Valentine’s day this month, I have spent a bit of time reflecting on the various ways I live from my heart. How do you offer and receive love? We all have many opportunities every day to make small choices to amplify love. I believe a person cannot love another beyond their […]

2018: A Year for Activating Your Intentions

The shift into 2018 has occurred, Happy New Year! The energy of 2018 will support manifesting our hearts desires. This year, there is assistance abound. This is a perfect year for the baby, maybe a business idea or book or art project, you have been growing to be born. To maximize this opportunity, we are […]

You ARE the gift!

This holiday season, I invite you to BE the GIFT.     For many of us gifting is part of the fabric of holiday traditions during December. I have struggled with this over the years, feeling anxious about getting just the right gift. Remember the book “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman? He describes […]

Energize Your Business: Accelerating Your Service in the World

How is your work and service life, professionally and organizationally, impacted by the tremendous shifts and increasing frequency occurring during this month of extraordinary transformation? This critical time in our history requires that those of us who feel called to make a difference find a way to be truly present for the emergence of this […]

Kickstarter Campaign Starting September 15th

Join Michele Rae in creating her new book: Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who We Are Becoming I am launching this Kickstarter campaign to generate funding for my book which is an invitation for people in families, communities, organizations and around the world to find, support and encourage each other as we create new […]

Radiating Love

Settling inward as the leaves are off the trees following a stunning display of autumn colors here in Minnesota.  Inside of me there has been a shift in my experience of Loving this year. Love feels more unconditional and Joy more causeless. I know Love as the Infinite Source, Love as the shining out that […]