How is your work and service life, professionally and organizationally, impacted by the tremendous shifts and increasing frequency occurring during this month of extraordinary transformation? This critical time in our history requires that those of us who feel called to make a difference find a way to be truly present for the emergence of this new world of possibility, this new humanity. Amidst multiple natural disasters last month, we are feeling the call to support those in recovery and recognize our interdependence more deeply. We are invited to co-create, with each other and Spirit, who we are becoming! How do we navigate and optimize the expression of our passion and essence into the world for positive impact and change?

the Universal Life Force

I invite you to connect with those intentionally creating new paradigms in your field of interest. Together we can maximize growth and development in this time of shifting paradigms. Some are choosing to desperately cling to old systems and focus on the fear of what is disintegrating and the exposure of what we are transcending that no longer serves. We are invited to contribute to reconstructing a new, interconnected world. We are writing a new story about being human. The energy vibration NOW is supporting and opening us to levels of consciousness unprecedented on earth. There are new ways to solve problems, new information and new perspectives NOW available. We are developing better education, healthcare, commerce, buildings, information exchange, energy sources, land development, and media.  We are shifting our political, economic, and cultural institutions. We are forming new systems to better serve humanity. How do you fit into these changes? Which paradigm shifts are you contributing to? How are you experiencing the new energies?

Radiating Love will Save the World

This month I have invited two small groups of people to connect once a month over the next 6 months as we navigate our professional and organizational contributions. We intend to accelerate and energize our business growth through:

  • Strengthening your vision and mission
  • Naming and witnessing your successes and challenges
  • Fostering accountability
  • Reducing limitations
  • Attracting people and resources
  • Clarifying your goals and next steps
  • Manifesting abundance
  • Aligning with your essence
  • Increasing intuition
  • Expanding from authenticity
  • Tapping into creativity
  • Recognizing synchronicity
  • Growing your network
  • Coaching from facilitators

I invite you to join with like-minded and like-hearted colleagues and leaders as you contribute to the positive systems emerging. I would be delighted to partner with you through individual and organizational coaching as well. You can learn more about my coaching at

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