Transformational Coaching

Transformational Coaching Explained in 3 Easy Steps

Have you ever had an experience that was so transformative it created a radical shift in the way you understood yourself, the world, or reality?

Sometimes they come as little ah-ha’s that delighted you and sometimes they can leave you feeling a bit disorientated, curious and unsure how to integrate these experiences into your current framework of being human.  My clients often report their inspirations, revelations, intuitive knowing, synchronicity, revealing dreams and new ways of perceiving energy as they grow and develop in mind-body-spirit. Transformational coaching is when we work together to align their daily lives with their expanding gifts, talents, wisdom and passions.

Why is transformational coaching valuable?

Transformational Coaching

A transformational coach assists you in realizing and developing self-directed plans to implement the changes you desire to bring your personal, relational and professional life into coherence with your best or highest self. During coaching sessions, the locus of expertise lies in the client and the process is collaborative and co-creative.

I bring my experience with various aspects and levels of consciousness, human development, transformative practices, and coaching techniques.  In addition, I create conditions that increase the likelihood that transformation will occur as new levels of awareness and consciousness reveal themselves to you.  This is done by creating sacred space and a protective container through such activities as deep listening, reframing, encouraging, maintaining confidentiality, and being a witness.  When I work with a client we develop a sacred trust through transparency and vulnerability.  I can see their holes, see them whole, and see their Holiness.  I support their process to know their own Holiness until they realize it themselves. The self-directed plans and steps we co-create are a personalized map to reach this goal.

What is a transformational coaching session like?Transformational Coaching

During a session with a coach, you may learn a particular transformative practice and discuss new realizations, blocks, or fears that have arisen in your awareness.  I can assist as you assess your condition and needs, frame new experiences and realizations, and falling-away paradigms. We work to unblock limiting beliefs, patterns, and fears.  Transformative experiences can be unsettling as they are often so out of the ordinary. Gradual spiritual emergence is preferred over spiritual emergencies, which can cause disruption in our psychological, social and occupational functioning.  It is important for you to stay grounded amidst openings to new views of reality; views that often do not fit with the dominant cultural model of what is true and/or acceptable.

How Does Coaching Help?

Transformational Coaching

Transformation can be messy and unclear.  Change does not occur without the discomfort of leaving old beliefs, meanings, and habits behind. Coaches assist in directing you back to your essential primary intelligence and invite you towards your inner capacity for healing, wisdom, compassion, wholeness, and ultimately, the realization of Holiness.  These coaching skills can assist you in assimilating, integrating and stabilizing expanded ways of knowing, and can be invaluable on the journey.

Read my other post What is Transformation?

Check out my Services and see if I can help you.






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