Your Complete Guide to Being Authentic

Why Do You Need to Be Authentic?

Sometimes I find myself guarded, timid and reluctant to express myself from my inner truth.

What part of me is afraid of being judged? Misunderstood?  Rejected? Or even ridiculed? Buried inside I have mistakenly internalized messages from someone or somewhere that I am not good enough or lovable if I radiate from my authentic self. Today I am feeling the invitation to trust the certainty of my inner knowing and live more fully in alignment with my essence.

For me, my authentic self is an internal voice or awareness and informs my sense of self.  It is continually evolving as revelations, curiosity, confusion, pain, awe and wonder push me beyond my comfort zone.  Life breaks me open to new perspectives about what I know to be true.  As I surrender and accept more fully what is, those beliefs that I am not enough are released.

What does Living Authentic Mean to You?

Your Complete Guide to Being Authentic

Living an authentic life requires risk, courage, and vulnerability. In return, I have more peace, discernment, tolerance and joy.

Expressing myself from this place of truth cultivates everyday miracles and surprises.  Anything and everything is possible in the present moment, and I have enough free attention to fully embrace the intuition, synchronicity, and insights that arise in my life.  As I lay down my neediness for approval and acceptance and trust those in my life will encourage and celebrate my authentic self, my relationships are more real and mutually supportive.  My work has more depth, creativity, and effectiveness.

It is not always easy, but it is simple.  So the next time someone tells me I am shining too brightly and makes me bad and wrong, I will send them a blessing and not dismiss myself. Today I more fully embrace my Center Within, my ever present essential nature, which is fully aligned with the divine.  From my authentic self, I can live as presence, navigating life’s conditions and situations from the inside out.

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living from the center within about what is transformationTo learn more about what is transformation and how to navigate these shift of consciousness you can buy Michel’s Living From The Center Within book.



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