Are You Cultivating Your Growth and Development

Magic of Light into Matter

From the brown barren earth, life has burst into form all around me these past few weeks of spring. Seeing, hearing and smelling light converted into many varieties of trees, flowers, grasses, and weeds are amazing.

As I take in the miracle of matter emerging from sunlight, water, and elements of the earth, I ponder the uniqueness and beauty of so many plant forms. Each begins with a tiny seed which contains all the codes needed for its unique expression.

Are You Cultivating Your Growth and Development

Are you radiating more light?

This is true of each human being as well.  At our core, we all spring forth from the very same energy source.  Some call it the Holy Spirit, some the flame of God, some Prana or Chi; it is the inner essence in all life forms.  There is much diversity in people as well; shape, color, size, beliefs, passions, and viewpoints vary.  Just like the plant kingdom, each person is at a particular level of development.  Some are just sprouting in the full spectrum of maturing, which can be related or not to their chronological age!  Some are old wise souls when they enter this dimension at birth here on planet earth.

Can I remember to see each person I encounter as a miracle that began, as we all have, as a seed, commingled with light and love? Can I see their eternal spirit in addition to their bodies and personalities which have a beginning, middle and end just like me? Can I remember that there is a spectrum of development for human beings and recognize that some people are farther along in this process than others without judgment?

My passion for human development and the shift we are amidst in our evolution continues to feed my mind-body-soul.  We can cultivate our development. Just like plants that are nurtured with fertilizer, pruned, and receive supportive amounts of light and water, they ripen quicker and more fully.  How are you cultivating your growth?  Can you feel your increasing capacity to hold and be more Light? 

You may also be interested in reading my other blog post Cultivating Miracles With Your Intentions.

Join me for an individual coaching session or one of our classes or gatherings.  Hope to share our miracle of living this human life soon.







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