the Universal Life Force

Co-Creating in 2015

When we shift our identification from an individual ego-centered person to being a part of the interconnected web of consciousness to realizing the Universe lives in us as we live in the Universe, our entire perception of being human radically shifts. From this understanding of self as hard wired with the Universal Life Force, creating becomes magical, nonlocal, and often instantaneous. We expand our choices beyond limitations, beliefs, negative self-talk, resistance and obstruction to infinite possibilities.

Your Power to Create Your Life

the Universal Life Force

Ancient wisdom traditions have given us many tools to quiet our mind-body and sharpen our perceptive capacities to feel and know Divine Essence. This assists us in creating magnificent and transformative intentions. Modern scientific discoveries deepen our understanding of how the building blocks of matter are intrinsically connected and entangled with the observer. Perceiving is not separate from the action it is observing. These teachings invite us to realize the power we truly are in co-creating our personal, interpersonal, professional and collective life. We are the very flame that ignites the transformation we seek in ourselves and in our world.

How can we practice this in our lives?

As you spend a bit of time reflecting on your New Year,  use your wildest imagination to picture your life reflecting WHAT makes your heart sing.

WHAT does this look like? (Leave the details for later!) Here are some examples:

• Ease and flow throughout your days and nights
• Service in the world, job or volunteer, which aligns with your passion
• Relationships that are mutually nurturing, expanding and beneficial
• Self-care, health, and wellness embodied moment to moment
• Global citizens interdependent and supportive
• Creative expression just for joy
• Inventing new paradigms that create new systems for our emerging new humanity

What Happen Next?

the Universal Life Force

Once you have the WHAT down, allow the Universal Life Force to flow in and as you, paying attention to the HOW opportunities that arise that are in harmony and coherence with your WHAT intention. Notice what expands you, excites you, and calls to you. Notice intuitive knowing and synchronicity appearing in your awareness. Act on these opportunities from open-hearted compassion and open minded wisdom. More will come every day. Build your trust. Expect the miracles you are co-creating.

For me, there seems to be a higher vibration of energy available to us on the planet now than in years past. There is more transparency between levels of reality. Our physical cells and worldviews are in transition. All are moving towards a new plateau of higher vibration. This process is not without its messiness as old systems are disintegrating. If you can embody this higher vibration and embrace your own identity as one with Universal Life Force, you will be of great service in co-creating who we are becoming! This gift to yourself and the planet is priceless.

To continue this discussion live, join me for our monthly gathering January 6th from 6:30p- 8:30p in Minneapolis. Contact for more details.

You might also like my blog post Inviting Your Essence to Shine to Radiate Divine Presence

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