How Do New Energies Affect Your Life?
Can you feel the new energies surges inviting us to reset our inner and outer lives? It fascinates me to feel and notice these shifting patterns and to watch with wonder the variety of ways they manifest in the lives of friends, colleagues, and clients. I find conversation and community provide us with comfort, understanding, and tools to navigate the changes choosing to live with awareness and conscious intention.
Recently my grown children have taken another giant leap into empowered independent lives opening resources of time, space, and money in my immediate sphere. Shifting towards one home for my partner and me, my lovely condo/home office in St. Paul is for sale and I am looking for new office space. My passion for engaging in the world conversation about the shift in consciousness on the planet has opened up many new opportunities which leave me feeling expanded…you know that feeling where you are thrilled and terrified all at once! Another example in my life: I had some kind of funky activity on my computer which led to changing all my passwords which created more issues. I had to “reset” my cell phone back to the original factory settings and wipe out all “my settings” and perform a “deep clean” on my computer. Yes, I really am seeing this reset happening in many interesting places!
How are you seeing this play out in your inner beliefs and paradigms and outer life circumstances? A dear and old friend of mine who had cancer has finished treatment and is back to her “usual” high energy, with an expanded perspective on her inherent worth and a call to contribute her gifts and talents in her work with deeper and broader impact. A colleague is soon returning back to Minnesota completing a four-year adventure in North Carolina. After growing, learning and developing exponentially personally and professionally during this time, she is an entirely different person returning “home.”
Learn How to Accept Changes with New Energies
I have learned that understanding and relaxing into these changes support my opening to more depth, confidence, wisdom and compassion. My resistance causes struggle, plain and simple. Yes, there is confusion, doubt, and uncertainty at times about what decisions to make. I sometimes avoid letting go of activities and relationships that no longer serve forward movement. Yet by paying attention with mindfulness, balance, trust in the process and quiet, the knowing always emerges to shine a light on the path that is mine to walk. Sometimes guidance, intuition, synchronicity and inspiration comes in my dreams, a song, through creative writing or art, when I am working out, walking along the river, in meditation, in conversation with my sweetheart or a friend…but it always comes if I have enough free attention to notice.
As we continue to co-create who we are becoming personally, inter-personally, ancestrally, organizationally and collectively, I invite us to continue our conversation and community as the new energies shift our bodies, minds, spirit, societies, institutions and the entire planet.
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