3 Fundamental Things You Always Wanted to Know about Creativity

Creating From Higher Consciousness Creativity abounds from our being when our bodies, emotions, and minds are in balance and harmony.  When our stress response of fight, flight or flee is not active, our brain stem or reptilian brain is not receiving signals we are in danger.  The bodily and survival needs are met. This, in … Continue reading “3 Fundamental Things You Always Wanted to Know about Creativity”

Building A New Paradigm

Are You Building A New Paradigm During Transformational Shift? The transformational shift occurring on the planet is accelerating. Do you see it? Feel it? Know it? I have noticed there are new structures emerging. As old unsustainable paradigms are falling away, new components are taking priority. For instance, have you noticed how transparent the world … Continue reading “Building A New Paradigm”

Living an Empowered Life

Your complete guide how to live an empowered life How do we live an empowered life? How do we contribute, have meaning, and connection, while expressing our unique passion and wisdom from inner divine essence? How do we manifest potential in all areas of life? These questions represent a core longing for all individual and … Continue reading “Living an Empowered Life”

Your Ultimate Guide to Cultivating Intuition

My Personal Story About Inviting Intuition (Like You Have Never Heard Before) Intuition, researchers have found, flourishes in a person who is open, receptive and nonjudgmental. It is a capacity we all possess. Recently I asked participants in a class I was teaching about their experience with intuition and nearly everyone had a story to … Continue reading “Your Ultimate Guide to Cultivating Intuition”