Be Aware of Subtle Ways of Knowing and Why It Matters
There are many ways we receive information.
We see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Sometimes we get information energetically in additional ways of knowing.
- We might get a vibe, have a sensation in our bodies such as a creepy feeling for no apparent reason.
- We could get a sense of déjà vu, an uncanny feeling or illusion of having already seen or experienced something that is being experienced for the first time.
- We get information from dreams where the laws of our time and space three-dimensional physical world are transcended.
- We can know something new through synchronicity which is meaningful coincidences. We have a string of inner and outer events that come together in a way that cannot be explained by cause and effect yet is significant to the person having the experience. Our minds have the amazing ability to relate events and phenomena that may seem unrelated to one another.
Subtle ways of knowing
We get more clues when we consider how we solve a problem or have a new idea. A picture can arise in our mind’s eye giving us new information or a brand new perspective on an issue. We can pick up a seemingly random book or article that provides a missing link we did not even know existed. Solutions come in perfect timing through other people’s wisdom and compassion. We can relate seemingly disparate events that bring a radically new level of understanding. Noticing recurring words, colors, objects, stories, or animals can be an amazing way of knowing. Perceiving and knowing through symbols or nature that appear in our inner and outer life can provide powerful information, knowledge, and wisdom.
There is a common thread in these more subtle ways of knowing, we have to be paying attention. If we are caught in drama and trauma, we will miss them. Once we notice intuition, synchronicity, revelation or breakthrough insights it is useful to reflect on them. If we are eager to decide exactly what they mean and what we must do next we limit our interpretation. Usually, this way of knowing has multiple levels of meaning and possible interpretations. Allow all aspects of the knowing to unfold in your awareness.
With the fast-paced changes on the planet, it is more important now than ever to invite new ways of knowing, understanding, perceiving and creating to come into being. Technology is reflecting these changes, with upgrades in hardware and software occurring continuously. Allow yourself to receive upgrades in your ideas, beliefs, perspectives and ways of knowing also. We are continuously co-creating who we are becoming, personally, interpersonally, professionally and globally. We are all invited to let the old programming that is not working to better humanity as a whole to be rewritten.
Let’s pay attention to the subtle ways of knowing available to us in every moment and build the world that is abundant and sustainable for all life.
Check our my Officiant Services Or you may like to continue reading my blog posts Cultivating Peace in Uncertain Times or Love in Action.