Summer solstice is fast approaching, we in the northern hemisphere are experiencing more daylight. Do you also notice the light emanating from all living beings? Since I was a small child, I have seen and felt light pulsating in and as and through everything. Light shines from people, trees, animals, rocks, and water. Over years I have studied light from quantum physics to healing to the electromagnetic field the permeates the cosmos.

My experience and understanding of myself as a pillar of light has deepened over time.

I remember being in another dimension before this lifetime. We were ‘seeing’ this current earth time undergoing a massive transformation, a huge leap in its evolutionary process. The planet, the people, the entire system. I had a sense of excitement and knew I wanted to be here for this big shift!

In my childhood and early adulthood, I had a sense of dread. Yes, I was expecting my experience to be denser than being in a nonphysical dimension, or another lifetime as a more developed species, but wow! It was brutal being human. So much suffering and scarcity. So much fear. I found myself slipping into this prevailing culture and conditioning.

During meditation on retreat many years ago, I opened my awareness as I often do to the multidimensions of my being and asked for clarity about what was happening here on earth.

The image that came was streams of light waves entering water. The infusion of light had a higher frequency than ever detected on this planet before. It activated a dormant grid that created a field of higher frequency that would support upleveling all life forms on the earth. This light had an iridescent color, an exquisite sound, and a rotation and flow of patterns I had never seen before. This vibration was called love. It gave me hope.

I continued my journey determined to work through my heartaches, limiting beliefs, doubt, second guessing, confusion, and discomfort. The process of healing and my inner work took time, devotion, and persistence. There were so many layers of pretend, conditioning and programing to peel away. I worked through unexpressed and unresolved trauma and wounds. I discovered aspects of myself that were fragmented and disassociated. 

I learned to forgive myself and others. I learned to honor all of myself and live fully in my heart and body. Spiritual practices, mindful living, therapy, bodywork, building nurturing relationships, and study were all present to support me. Self-love grew. I remember the feeling of falling in love with humanity for the first time. I wept.

My service as a holistic coach and transformational leader continued to evolve. My writing became an expression of my creativity. I went through a short period of time where I got divorced, my spiritual community disintegrated, I moved, quit my full-time job, my children left home and my softball team of many years disbanded. Out of all these endings, new beginnings arose. 

My book, Living From the Center Within, was nearing completion and I saw the cover in my mind’s eye with a different last name. I did not want to keep my ex-husband’s last name, nor was I fond of my father’s family name. Just as the name of my business, The Center Within, arose in my awareness in the early dawn between sleep and awake, the last name of Rae came to me. The first half of my life I spent learning lessons, raising a family, and working in corporate America. The second half of my life I saw myself being a ray of light for humanity. I evolved once again, this time into Michele Rae.

Many people refer to themselves as lightworkers. I looked up the definition. A lightworker is a person driven and motivated to do work which makes the world a better place, improves people’s lives, supports innate healing, and expands people to a higher level of consciousness. Now is the time we need to find each other and build our community, connection, and capacity.

We are each a pillar of light.

We are committed to clearing the obstructions we have developed to shine our light unhindered. We are here to support each other with unconditional positive regard. We are here to receive and give abundantly. We are here to form community and combine our light into one large high frequency pillar of light. In this safe and sacred space, we each bring our clear intention and open awareness. We co-create new possibilities that optimally serve the greatest good for all beings on the planet. Through our collaboration, we liberate ourselves and each other. This freedom is our birthright. We are meant to live in joy, tranquility, and peace.  

Our light frequency is elevated in community which increases our access to higher levels of consciousness. Our very presence, our light, provides a transmission of love to all we encounter. Our service is to remain hard wired into the flow of ALL THAT IS and radiate our light so all can attune to this frequency and blossom into their full potential. 

YOU are the light!

A reminder from my book, Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming, Page 15:

An invitation from the 12th Century Sufi poet from Persia, Hafiz, translated by Daniel Ladinsky:

Now is the Time to Know

Now is the time to know

That all that you do is sacred.

Now, why not consider

A lasting truce with yourself and God?

Now is the time to understand

That all your ideas of right and wrong

Were just a child’s training wheels

To be laid aside

When you can finally live

with veracity and love.

Now is the time for the world to know

That every thought and action is sacred.

This is the time

For you to compute the impossibility

That there is anything

But Grace.

Now is the season to know

That everything you do

Is Sacred.

Is it time for more vitality in your life?

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