How to Maximize the Co-creative Forces of Our Intentions with Universal Life Force

Co-Creating in 2015 When we shift our identification from an individual ego-centered person to being a part of the interconnected web of consciousness to realizing the Universe lives in us as we live in the Universe, our entire perception of being human radically shifts. From this understanding of self as hard wired with the Universal … Continue reading “How to Maximize the Co-creative Forces of Our Intentions with Universal Life Force”

Transformational Coaching: What is it?

Transformational Coaching Explained in 3 Easy Steps Have you ever had an experience that was so transformative it created a radical shift in the way you understood yourself, the world, or reality? Sometimes they come as little ah-ha’s that delighted you and sometimes they can leave you feeling a bit disorientated, curious and unsure how … Continue reading “Transformational Coaching: What is it?”

My Awareness of Changes and Why It Matters

November Winds of Changes What are the new energies coming in feeling like to you?  How are they presenting in your life? For me, they feel like they are drawing me towards more authenticity, vulnerability, honesty, wholeness and inclusivity.  I have been presented with numerous opportunities with these changes to know my truth more fully … Continue reading “My Awareness of Changes and Why It Matters”

3 Must Know Levels Of Consciousness to Build Your Your Relationships

Bringing Higher Consciousness to Relationships Have you noticed over your lifetime as you become more awake, self-aware, and healthy in mind-body-emotions your relationships change?   As we heal our holes, become more whole and realize our Holiness, relationships with people not interested in growing and developing towards higher consciousness can become superficial, unsatisfying and sometimes even … Continue reading “3 Must Know Levels Of Consciousness to Build Your Your Relationships”

What You Need to Know about Transforming Into Our New Era

The World Is Changing. It is Time for the New Era Have you noticed the pace accelerating lately?  Everywhere?  When I relax into my inner knowing the image that arises is a spiral, and we are on the end of a long gradual ascent and whipping around the outside edge moving towards a long gradual … Continue reading “What You Need to Know about Transforming Into Our New Era”

3 Fundamental Things You Always Wanted to Know about Creativity

Creating From Higher Consciousness Creativity abounds from our being when our bodies, emotions, and minds are in balance and harmony.  When our stress response of fight, flight or flee is not active, our brain stem or reptilian brain is not receiving signals we are in danger.  The bodily and survival needs are met. This, in … Continue reading “3 Fundamental Things You Always Wanted to Know about Creativity”

Building A New Paradigm

Are You Building A New Paradigm During Transformational Shift? The transformational shift occurring on the planet is accelerating. Do you see it? Feel it? Know it? I have noticed there are new structures emerging. As old unsustainable paradigms are falling away, new components are taking priority. For instance, have you noticed how transparent the world … Continue reading “Building A New Paradigm”

Living an Empowered Life

Your complete guide how to live an empowered life How do we live an empowered life? How do we contribute, have meaning, and connection, while expressing our unique passion and wisdom from inner divine essence? How do we manifest potential in all areas of life? These questions represent a core longing for all individual and … Continue reading “Living an Empowered Life”

What is transformation?

Ask yourself what is transformation? How navigate through these times of dramatic paradigm shifts? We are amidst a transformative period in human history experiencing dramatic paradigm shifts and leaps in the evolution of human consciousness itself. Our world itself may fundamentally be the same, yet our perspectives are expanding and changing. What is transformation? Have … Continue reading “What is transformation?”