How do you pause and celebrate the big and small wins in your daily life? 

What intentions, rituals, mindset and behavior choices support you living your best life?

This month’s musings are a bit more personal than usual. I have been immersed in ritual, celebration, rites of passage, and wins on many levels. My son and his team, the Florida Panthers, won the Stanley Cup!!

What an amazing experience for everyone associated with the team and players. There were so many emotions as I sat on the edge of my seat for every game. Watching the success and disappointments, determination, winning mindset, passion, hard work, and selflessness of each player was incredible. 

Many friends and family reached out to reminisce about his long hockey career. My daughter and I recounted wonderful experiences we shared in many countries watching him play, including Canada for a Stanley Cup game.

My feelings are ALL over the place! There are feelings of grief remembering the many times I needed to let go to optimally support his dream, and now the end of that era. The flood of joy and pride swells in my heart as he celebrates achieving his hockey childhood dream of winning the cup. He has many wins off the ice as well. He has built an amazing life with his wife, children, and many friends and colleagues who love and respect him. As I shared in June, embodying our divine blueprint and living our most authentic empowered life is each of our birthright.  

There are so many rituals and rites of passage I noticed as the teams were playing. 

Some players stop shaving when their team enters the playoffs and do not shave until his team is eliminated or wins the Stanley Cup. Others tape their sticks or suit up a certain way every time. Winning the Stanley Cup is a rite of passage and includes rituals such as both teams shaking hands, an elaborate presentation, hoisting the cup and skating around the rink, champagne in the locker room, and each player having a private day with the cup. Ritual is another powerful way to celebrate your wins. It also supports optimal living, ease and a sense of purpose.

There have been new professional wins for me as well. Invitations to several amazing coaching and teaching opportunities have emerged from relationships I have been engaged in for years. I have been invited to offer one on one coaching in a local organization that supports people with chronic illness. I am also in discussions to teach about spirituality and health in a medical school. This theme of LETTING GO was the subject of an article I wrote recently in the Edge Magazine. These wins are built on following my passion, working hard, cultivating trusted relationships, and saying YES. They are the result of many of the same intentions, mindset, and activities that led the Florida Panthers to win the Stanley Cup.

What YOU focus on grows. Remember to celebrate YOUR wins!


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