The New Era of Higher Consciousness has arrived! Are you feeling it? What are you noticing as the Old Era ideas, beliefs, and paradigms infused with oppression, entitlement, and greed are being exposed yet not going down without a fight? The transition is a messy process.

We ARE turning it around. My book Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming invites each of us to positively contribute to the emerging New Era. I imagine all choices we make personally and collectively reflect qualities like transparency, interconnectedness, collaboration, sustainability, honor, and respect. All systems have the real opportunity to evolve and support every single person realizing their full potential. One way I am experiencing New Era embodiment is celebrating each other’s genius. Are you seeing this also?
Increasingly, more of my conversations, relationships, partnerships, and collaborations are committed to calling each other into our highest capacity. We are engaged in mutually beneficial activities where we hold each other accountable in unconditional positive regard as we each live our most empowered authentic lives. We have courageous conversations when necessary. I am blessed to engage with inspiring clients through my intuitive coaching practice and transformational courses. I intend daily to do my best. Yes, I continue to heal, learn, and need a self-gifted time out occasionally. This is a humbling process. I am all in.
When relating to one another, personally or professionally, in the Old Era mindset of scarcity, blame, or dominance people can become triggered. Have you noticed a negative reaction from people if someone is too happy, satisfied, or successful? Once the fight and flight reaction takes over, we may project jealousy, despair, insecurities, envy, fear, judgment, or pain. It requires high levels of social, emotional, conversational, and spiritual intelligence to navigate optimally in the New Era. Where do you find support in cultivating joy in living, serving, and loving?

I recently had the good fortune to travel to a sunny beach. While in line going through security, a man commented he was disappointed the weather in Minnesota was going to be unseasonably warm while he was on vacation. His Old Era comment was ‘I enjoy thinking about other people suffering in the cold while I am away in warm sunshine.’ There is a continuum of interest, from none to lots, in manifesting New Era principles in everyday thinking and living. I choose to believe this man is doing the best he can. It is not mine to judge his soul’s contract. I too am a work in progress. Turning it around starts with inner awareness. Listening to his statement, I reaffirmed my commitment to celebrating another’s genius every chance I get.
As humanity is turning it around it is important to engage in a supportive community. The Edge Magazine is a fabulous place to connect with like-minded like-hearted people co-creating who we are becoming in the New Era. The practitioners, articles, podcasts, interviews, classes, and events are designed to assist us as we personally and collectively anchor in access to higher levels of consciousness.
I have been involved in the Community for Higher Consciousness for over two decades. The relationships and programs that we have created and nurtured have significantly accelerated and amplified my own integration and embodiment of the New Era energies. We all need encouragement as we navigate this shift and expand our awareness.
As my dear friend and colleague Maureen Higgins often says, now is the time. We are the ones we have been waiting for.