My word for 2025 is reset. I am examining my habits, choices, and behaviors to see which ones need to be realigned, reorganized, released, and reprioritized. A few are increasing in importance, and a few require me to engage less often. My physical environment is undergoing a serious decluttering and simplifying process.
Do you have an intention or word for 2025?

Many of my clients seem to be in a process of upleveling and resetting as well.
What resets are you considering this month?
From my perspective, we are collectively experiencing an old era disintegrating as we envision and cocreate the new era arising. Now is the time to be in community, clarify our truth, share our wisdom and experiences, and answer the call to live as an everyday mystic as we are serving, loving, and living our best life.
How are you engaging in community to support your desired resets?
I have been teaching in a monthly series I created called “Are YOU an Everyday Mystic? Living From Your Center Within” through New World Women. I am learning so much from the women attending these sessions. They are mystics in action! As my co-teachers Theresa Nutt, Nina Robert Salveson, and I prepare for our next cohort of our 6-month master course starting in March “Accelerate Your Full Potential: Advanced Coaching and Facilitative Leadership Competencies For the New Era” more qualities of mystics are emerging in our curriculum.
Here are a few topics deemed important in literature and my lived experience as we are each invited to live our most empowered authentic life as a modern mystic.
- Judgment resetting to Discernment
- Overreacting resetting to Responding
- Interrupting resetting to Listening
- Isolation resetting to Community
- Competition resetting to Collaboration
- Separation resetting to Interconnected
- Either/Or resetting to AND
- Polarization to Common Ground
Are any of these resetting in your life too?
Here are a few more thoughts from Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming.
“As mystics, we participate in service through focusing our intention and moving toward aligned co-creative opportunities. Seemingly miraculous people or circumstances arise in our lives that are the perfect fit of complementary skills and resources. We contribute by knowing and utilizing our talents and passions. Focusing on only our personal gain is replaced by being a humanitarian and focusing on the good of the whole, including ourselves.” – Page 126
Meister Eckhart reminds us it is who we are, not what we do, that matters the most:
“People ought not to consider so much what they are to do as what they are; let them but be good and their ways and deeds will shine brightly. If you are just, your actions will be just too. Do not think that saintliness comes from occupation; it depends rather on what one is. The kind of work we do does not make us Holy, but we may make it Holy. However, “sacred” a calling may be, as it is a calling, it has no power to sanctify; but rather as we are and have the divine being within, we bless each task we do, be it eating, or sleeping, or watching, or any other”. – Page 127
Interested in exploring these topics further? Book a free consultation, join me for one-on-one coaching, or participate in one of my group offerings coming soon.
Be in touch! We have several online Zoom webinars and teachings to join us in February. In March, we have new classes starting, two live events, and several webinars. Join us! It would be great to hear about your ideas for making 2025 a year of empowered authentic living from YOUR Center Within!
We are in this together!