By: Theresa Nutt, Co-Facilitator of Accelerate Your Full Potential: Coaching Master Course
As I sit down to write, I have to wonder if you are wired like me. I am a person who is designed to bridge the gap between new possibilities and the current reality. Can you relate? Do you find yourself innovating, challenging the status quo, feeling restless, and constantly being curious about what is possible for the world?

These times were made for people who are wired to envision and create a new reality. I have always been a leader who has a pioneer mindset. As a young leader, I thought I had to have all of the answers and wield the power. I didn’t realize that empowering others was the best way to truly move ideas into form. In this new era, even more leadership skills are required, and the skills are absolutely opposite of what we have been taught about being an effective leader.
I offer the following 5 strategies to move you into your most aligned presence to propel you during this shift in our reality. These strategies are foundational in the course “Accelerate Your Full Potential: Advanced Coaching and Facilitative Leadership Competencies For the New Era Master Course” that I teach with Michele Rae and Nina Roberts Salveson.
- Pause long enough to find your center and come to clarity within. So often we rush to act quickly, causing us to react from the unconscious part of our mind. When we slow down and tune in, we lean into our conscious, expanded state of being which creates a healing presence for whatever we encounter.
- Use multidimensional awareness to navigate challenges and make decisions. Your mind’s intelligence is helpful, but not nearly enough. To be an effective leader during this time, you need to use your intuition and energetic awareness, emotional awareness, social awareness, physical awareness, and interdimensional awareness. Historically we have relied on mental intelligence as the most important way to navigate our lives. All of your capacity is needed in the new era.
- Set your intention to step up and take care of everyone’s humanity, handle the business at hand, and create meaningful outcomes simultaneously. We are no longer able to make decisions that only consider one person’s gain. In the new era, everyone’s experience counts equally. Everyone has something to contribute. It doesn’t mean we don’t tend to business or create the outcomes we feel called to create. Instead, we do it all differently. We show up in our fullness and we invite others to do the same. We open spaces that invite equal power, belonging, curiosity, and collaboration so we can work together to manifest even greater outcomes.
- Use advanced communication skills to navigate conversations and support the wellbeing of all involved. We have so many opportunities to use different communication skills in our conversations with others. The more we take the time to tune into our inner knowing while expanding into our multidimensional awareness, the easier it is to know how to respond in the moment. Nina, Michele and I routinely share stories about speaking our truth more and stepping into conversations that we might have previously avoided.
- Tap into your creativity and dreams for the future to bring new realities into form. We need your creativity, your essence, the medicine you have gathered in your lifetime, and the secret mission that lives in your bones. We need your unique approach, your desires for your life and the lives of others. The visionary inside of you is needed during this time.
Stop and ask yourself how you have grown as a leader. Do you consider other’s perspectives more? Slow down and connect with yourself before responding? Gather intel from all of your multidimensional awarenesses before taking action?
When we continue to expand our capacity to be present, connect with others, and facilitate what’s needed in the moment we create unbelievable outcomes that uplift everyone involved.
I invite you to join us as we explore these topics in two upcoming salons and our full 6-month master course “Accelerate Your Full Potential: Advanced Coaching and Facilitative Leadership Competencies For the New Era Master Course” beginning in March.
For more information on this master course, please click here.
To learn more about the School For Higher Consciousness, please click here.