This year on the autumn equinox I was in Sedona celebrating my dear cousin’s wedding with family and friends. I am very close to her father and the entire family. I had the blessing of officiating the ceremony. Pure JOY! Amazing connecting continued with my goddaughter who joined us as we stayed another week. There were so many synchronicities and intuitive events that occurred throughout this visit.
Sandra Walter, a spiritual teacher I follow, lives in Sedona. She offers free offline, wherever you are, meditations every Sunday morning (10 am CST). Coincidentally, to celebrate the equinox, she hosted a public event on the Yavapai vista trail 5 miles from the wedding venue which included the 30-minute global silent meditation. My goddaughter and I attended together. Powerful. Beautiful. Inspiring. Synchronistic.
Several conversations followed between the two of us on ‘how does a person feel energy?’ And ‘how do you cultivate synchronicity?‘ During the equinox ritual and meditation people shared light language, brought crystals, and we all participated in vocal toning and breathing together. We were invited to connect and ground with the earth and to the nonphysical aspects of ourselves where inspiration, creativity, and interconnection to the entire field of consciousness exist. People shared their experiences of the ‘energy’ they felt.

Earlier in the week after a hike, I happened upon a Thai massage place. When my goddaughter arrived, we checked to see if they had any openings while she was there. We booked two massages on the same day as the happenstance equinox celebration with Sandra. It was fabulous, we rocked self-care on this trip!
We practiced paying attention to synchronicities and intuitive knowings when we hiked, shared a meal, talked to the plants and animals, dreamt, listened to music, and worked.
Synchronicity is what happens when seemingly unrelated events coincide in improbable ways that have significance for that person. Jung believed synchronicities were evidence of a unifying consciousness at play in the universe, creating physical manifestations of what’s happening in our psyche.

One example is our goddaughter, who saw a rattlesnake on a trail in the Amitabha Stupa and Peace Park. All three of us had split up for some contemplation and wandering time. Later that evening we looked up the spiritual meaning of rattlesnake.
In many cultures, the rattlesnake is revered as a symbol of wisdom, ancient knowledge, protection, strength, resilience, and intuition. The rattlesnake’s ability to shed its skin represents release, renewal, and transformation. The rattlesnake spirit animal may be telling a person who encounters one to trust their instincts and tap into their own internal wisdom. These messages from rattlesnake energy resonated deeply with her!
We have two offerings beginning this month that include further exploring of synchronicity and intuition.
Join us in our next cohort for our master course: Accelerate Your Full Potential: Advanced Coaching and Facilitative Leadership Competencies For the New Era
This master course starts October 2024 and offers a six-month experiential program PLUS a bonus 7th-month share and integration PLUS one-on-one coaching all 6 months.
We will have a cohort on Monday evenings. All live gatherings are on Mondays from 6 – 8 pm CST with module one beginning on Monday, October 7th with the first live gathering on October 14th.
Consider this YOUR personal invitation. Click here for more information on Accelerate Your Full Potential.
Join us for our upcoming New World Women (NWW) Teaching on October 14 at 1 pm CST.
Living into Intuition: How do you connect with your inner wisdom?
How do you access your inner wisdom, intuition, creativity, imagination, and inspiration? Engage in multidimensional mindfulness practices designed to open your awareness and increase your perceptive capacity to subtle information and ways of knowing beyond your 5 senses.
Click here to learn more & register. Join NWW for as little as $9/month.
I have a few Referral Links for FREE membership. Send me an email if you are interested!
If you would like support in your own intuitive and synchronistic development, you are welcome to contact me for a free consultation about my coaching services. It is such an honor to encourage my clients in their spiritual development journey!
Set up a time for a free consultation with me here.