Wednesday March.20.2019 Monthly Gathering
Location: 8120 S. Penn Ave., Bloomington MN 55431


This month we will explore accessing intuition and subtle ways of knowing as we co-create magic every day. Michele will share teachings from her own experience and offer a transmission to amplify your perceptive capacities for receiving energetic information. How does this happen in your life? How do your daily choices and your connections accelerate miracles manifesting? Come and join like-minded and like-hearted people intentionally living a life they love.


Each of us, individually and collectively, are called to anchor NEW EARTH FREQUENCIES available in 2019.  It is time to integrate and embody new beliefs, paradigms and ways of knowing that support our awakening and the greater good. We are invited to shine our light, share our love and radiate our service to support optimal timeline choices for humanity during this process of transforming together.

When we participate in this monthly gathering, we expand our capacity to embody this new frequency. We increase the vibration in our field through conversation, teaching and transforming practices which opens our awareness to higher levels of consciousness. Michele Rae will be providing her insights into anchoring this new energy in everyday living and will be inviting guests to contribute their stories as well. Each person who participates is invited to share their experience and tools for anchoring these NEW ENERGIES as we co-create heaven on earth.

March 20, 2019

6:30 – 8:30 pm

RSVP Appreciated

Location: 8120 S. Penn Ave., Bloomington MN 55431

Southtown Office Park Conference Room second floor, elevators are in the main lobby near Wally’s Roast Beef café (closed in the evening). When you exit the elevators the conference room is to the left a few steps.