Saturday December.29.2018 Retreat
Location: Radisson Hotel Roseville

Getting ready for the year ahead has never been more exciting! Nea Clare and Michele Rae are collaborating to create a one of a kind workshop to help you step confidently into your 2019. The workshop, “Activate Your Vessel: Creating Your Divine Plan for 2019” is designed to support you in aligning to your Divine Nature and awaken your capabilities to create a life you love. Rae, a life coach and owner of The Center Within, shares that the workshop is about remembering that you are inseparable from Spirit, and learning how to embody this in your every day experience. “When you remember who you are, you are better able to access messages and trust guidance provided by Spirit.”

“We want to create a powerful and transformational experience for each participant.” says Clare, a Spiritual Channel, Life Coach and Teacher. The day-long workshop is December 29 at the Radisson Hotel in Roseville, MN. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Rae and Clare will share their intuitive gifts and work with Spirit to co-create a truly unique and powerful start for your 2019.


Workshop Details

Activate Your Vessel: Creating Your Divine Plan for 2019

December 29 th 9:30am-3:30pm

Radisson Hotel Roseville
2540 Cleveland Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113

Cost: $199
Bring a friend for an additional $99


Michele Rae is the founder of The Center Within, LLC, author of Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming, and graduate faculty at the University of Minnesota. In her private practice, she provides holistic coaching designed to accelerate and support personal,
professional and organizational transformation.
To learn more or for questions: 612-465-9775

Nea Clare is a Channel of Divine Wisdom, Spiritual Intuitive, and Transformational Life Coach, she is here to help make this profound discovery process delightfully fun and forever life- changing. She works directly with the Archangels and Ascended Masters in sharing messages,
developing workshops and providing clarity for her clients.   She helps her clients to awaken to their own Divine nature by removing emotional, mental, spiritual and karmic blocks. 612.227.3854