Exploring New Paradigms
Excerpt from Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming by Michele Rae being released March 2017 by Paragon House Publishing Explore New Paradigms Why during times of rapid growth, such as the extraordinary leap in human development occurring now, can it feel so disorientating? The transformational process is one of major change, which can feel […]
Inviting Your Essence to Shine to Radiate Divine Presence
What is your unique expression of the Divine? We are all a vessel, like a prism, where pure light and energy vibrates at our core. It is transformed into our bodies, minds, hearts, ideas and service in the manifest world. Our inner essence has natural tendencies and unique talents, gifts, strengths and passions. What makes […]
Inner Contentment Creates World Peace
Here is What You Need to know to Create World Peace [my reflections] As the New Year is beginning I have been reflecting on the times I have the unwavering sense of satisfaction independent of any particular circumstance, thought or activity. There is a still calm inner essence at the core of my being. This […]
Multiple Ways of Knowing
Be Aware of Subtle Ways of Knowing and Why It Matters There are many ways we receive information. We see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Sometimes we get information energetically in additional ways of knowing. We might get a vibe, have a sensation in our bodies such as a creepy feeling for no apparent reason. […]
Are You Cultivating Your Growth and Development?
Magic of Light into Matter From the brown barren earth, life has burst into form all around me these past few weeks of spring. Seeing, hearing and smelling light converted into many varieties of trees, flowers, grasses, and weeds are amazing. As I take in the miracle of matter emerging from sunlight, water, and elements […]
How to Maximize the Co-creative Forces of Our Intentions with Universal Life Force
Co-Creating in 2015 When we shift our identification from an individual ego-centered person to being a part of the interconnected web of consciousness to realizing the Universe lives in us as we live in the Universe, our entire perception of being human radically shifts. From this understanding of self as hard wired with the Universal […]
Transformational Coaching: What is it?
Transformational Coaching Explained in 3 Easy Steps Have you ever had an experience that was so transformative it created a radical shift in the way you understood yourself, the world, or reality? Sometimes they come as little ah-ha’s that delighted you and sometimes they can leave you feeling a bit disorientated, curious and unsure how […]
Great Fullness: Abundant Possibilities
Finding Your Perfect Way to Explore Possibilities After an autumn of clearing, discerning, re-calibrating and repairing, I find myself moving into December 2013 with an incredible sense of abundance. Clients and colleagues are reporting a new stability, deeper integration, and bursts of creativity and inspiration. I am more aware of a satisfaction, contentment, and fullness […]
6 Unbelievable Techniques to Practice Self-Healing Energies
Self-Healing Energies: Constricting and Expanding Have you ever encountered a wave of energy that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up? Or left a conversation with someone feeling energized? Sensing energy is part of our human experience. When we notice the energy in and around us, we are aware what expands […]
Restructuring our Lives from the Center Within [all-in-one guide]
Transitioning and Restructuring All around I see friends and clients cleaning up, restructuring their lives, and clearing out areas of their lives that are depleting or constricting. There is a new higher vibration radiating around, inside and as us…and any part of our life that is self-sabotaging, inauthentic or unbalanced is DEMANDING an upgrade. Some […]